Function for creating a toast notification based on the provided configuration.
When a toast is created, it inherits options from the Toaster, but the toast's own options will override the Toaster's properties.
option is available only for the add function.
Title | Description | Type | Default |
id | Unique identifier for the toast. | string | uuid |
message | The main content or message displayed in the toast. | string | Have a good day 🙂 |
title | The title of the toast, displayed above the title. First word will be capitalized. | string | base |
position | Defines where the toast will appear on the screen. | ToastPosition | bottom-right |
type | Specifies the type of toast (e.g., success, error). | ToastType | base |
order | Determines the display order of the toast. | DisplayOrder | normal |
inAnimation | Animation applied when the toast appears. | ToastInAnimation | slideVerticallyIn |
outAnimation | Animation applied when the toast disappears. | ToastOutAnimation | slideHorizontalWithFadeInBody |
inBodyAnimation | Animation for the toast body when it appears. | ToastInBodyAnimation | slideVerticallyOut |
hideOnClick | If true, the toast hides when clicked. | boolean | true |
autoHide | Duration in ms before the toast automatically hides. | number | 3000 |
delayBeforeShow | Delay before the toast is shown. | number | 0 |
showProgress | If true, displays a progress bar indicating remaining time. | boolean | true |
showIcon | If true, shows an icon in the toast. | boolean | true |
showHideButton | If true, shows a button to manually hide the toast. | boolean | true |
animateBody | If true, the body of the toast will have animation. | boolean | true |
rtl | If true, displays the toast in right-to-left layout. | boolean | false |
pauseOnHover | If true, pauses auto-hide timer when the toast is hovered. | boolean | true |
pauseOnFocusLoss | If true, pauses auto-hide timer when window loses focus. | boolean | true |
dragOnMobile | If true, the toast can be dragged on mobile devices. | boolean | true |
removeOnDraggingPercent | Percentage of drag distance on mobile before removal. | number | 70 |
theme | Specifies the theme className of the toast. | ToastTheme | "" |
iconClassName | Custom class name for the icon. | string | "" |
hideButtonClassName | Custom class name for the hide button. | string | "" |
contentClassName | Custom class name for the toast content. | string | "" |
containerClassName | Custom class name for the toast container. | string | "" |
bodyClassName | Custom class name for the toast body. | string | "" |
progressBarClassName | Custom class name for the progress bar. | string | "" |
className | Custom class name for the entire toast. | string | "" |
role | ARIA role attribute for accessibility. | string | alert |
iconStyle | Custom CSS styles for the icon. | CSS.Properties<string | number> | {} |
hideButtonStyle | Custom CSS styles for the hide button. | CSS.Properties<string | number> | {} |
contentStyle | Custom CSS styles for the toast content. | CSS.Properties<string | number> | {} |
containerStyle | Custom CSS styles for the toast container. | CSS.Properties<string | number> | {} |
bodyStyle | Custom CSS styles for the toast body. | CSS.Properties<string | number> | {} |
progressBarStyle | Custom CSS styles for the progress bar. | CSS.Properties<string | number> | {} |
style | Custom CSS styles for the entire toast. | CSS.Properties<string | number> | {} |
onShowing | Callback function triggered when the toast starts to show. | ToastCallback | undefined |
onHiding | Callback function triggered when the toast starts to hide. | ToastCallback | undefined |
onShow | Callback function triggered when the toast is fully shown. | ToastCallback | undefined |
onHide | Callback function triggered when the toast is fully hidden. | ToastCallback | undefined |
onClick | Callback function triggered when the toast is clicked. | ToastCallback | undefined |
const config: Partial<ReactToastConfig> = {
position: "bottom-right",
type: "base",
title: "base",
order: "normal",
inAnimation: slideVerticallyIn,
outAnimation: slideVerticallyOut,
inBodyAnimation: slideHorizontalWithFadeInBody,
autoHide: 7000,
theme: "toastup__toast-theme--colorful",
hideOnClick: true,
showProgress: true,
showIcon: true,
showHideButton: true,
animateBody: true,
rtl: false,
pauseOnHover: true,
dragOnMobile: true,